Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Leslie Nambo shared this picture in a class at Duke Divinity entitled, "Women, Gender, and Theology." I've thought about this photo quite often. Some days I get tired---Some days you get tired---but we can't quit. I borrow from the words of Kamille Williams, a young black female scholar and Duke Divinity colleague:

"No longer are the days of the old slave religion of worshiping secretly in brushharbors in order to worship free from the indoctrinating, repetitive,exegetically incorrect, proof-text of "Slaves obey your masters.." You are now sitting in one of the top theological institutions in the world becoming the next great theological thinkers of all time. SPEAK UP! Bring your perspective to the table. Boldly declare the unique perspectives that you bring. It does not matter if your words are accepted or rejected. "

Kaneasha Shackelford

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